Eventually, robots are going to replace us all. Some startups are betting on it.
As Fast Company reports, a gaggle of them are raising money to create armies of AI-powered customer-service avatars. They’re supposed to look and talk just like humans.
The avatars are creepy, and most chatbots can’t hold a candle to a flesh-and-blood human. That said, there’s still big money in the idea that avatars could do the work of entire customer-service teams — eventually.
Some companies know that they can’t — and maybe shouldn’t — build systems to replicate all human interactions.
Uneeq, another company focused on “digital brand ambassadors,” has created nonhuman characters that might be just as effective.
The AI startup Covariant says it has developed technology that allows robots to pick through packages more efficiently. The company says the robots are just as good as humans, or even better.