What in the name of Dow Jones is Merger Monday, you ask?
Well, real holidays tend to beget made-up holidays. Most of us probably know Cyber Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving when online retailers discount the bejesus out of all of their products before the holiday rush.
But the Monday before Thanksgiving is Merger Monday, a day when corporate board members and bankers wrap up all the deals they’ve been working on so they can enjoy some turkey, football, and family time.
No, we’re not kidding. As Axios’ Dan Primack put it: “This isn’t about a macro economic shift. It’s about bankers and boards wanting to enjoy their Thanksgiving breaks, without constant cell phone pings.”
Here’s a roundup of some of the most noteworthy of yesterday’s newly minted Turkey-day titans:
More than $60B worth of deals closed by the end of the day, enough to satisfy even the bottomless appetites of America’s big exchanges. The Dow Jones, Nasdaq, and S&P 500 all closed at record highs.