Brief - The Hustle

A Lego shark lost at sea, plus a big week for mayo and boredom

Written by Singdhi Sokpo | Aug 15, 2024 11:38:37 PM
  • A lost Lego shark from a 1997 shipwreck was discovered in the English Channel. The plastic shark is one of 51.8k from a shipping container that fell off the Tokio Express cargo ship in 1997. Richard West, the 35-year-old fisherman who reeled in the weathered toy, said he recognized it because he’d played with one as a kid. West reported it to the Lego Lost at Sea project, which confirmed the toy shark was the first of its kind to be discovered from the Lego spill that cast a total of 4.7m+ pieces into the sea.
  • A mayonnaise brand and an NFL player birthed a fragrance collab from olfactory hell. Hellmann’s and Tennessee Titans’ Will Levis released Will Levis No. 8, a fragrance inspired by the smell of mayo, with hints of lemon, coffee, musk, vanilla, and so-called “mayonnaise accord.” (Because what could possibly smell better than a football player and an egg-based condiment?) The pair’s relationship began last year after the quarterback went viral for saying he puts Hellmann’s mayo in his coffee, scoring him a lifetime supply of the brand’s signature product.
    In other mayo news: In a new study, physicists used the creamy condiment, which apparently behaves similarly to molten metal, to observe the physics that take place inside nuclear fusion reactors at extreme conditions. Its versatility truly knows no bounds.
  • The latest TikTok trend: “raw dogging” plane rides. Instead of reading a book, watching a movie, or napping, Gen Zers on TikTok are encouraging each other to “raw dog” airborne commutes — i.e., doing nothing but staring blankly at the seat in front of you for hours, with some even abstaining from eating or drinking. It fits among other viral “mindfulness” trends, like “monk mode,” where youths show off their mental stamina, but psychologists warn that lack of stimuli, nutrition, and hydration can actually increase stress, anxiety, and negative thinking. Anyhow, if you’re curious and have nothing better to do, someone made a “raw dog flight simulator,” so you can experience several dull hours from the comfort of your home.