1999’s The Matrix depicts a cyberpunk dystopia where human bodies are used to generate electricity for an army of machines.
Since then, spoilsports have pointed out that humans aren’t really a viable replacement for batteries.
… maybe they could be?
As wearable tech becomes more popular, companies have tried to solve this problem — though, hopefully not at the behest of our future machine masters.
The latest advancement in human-battery tech comes from Australia’s Queensland University of Technology, per Popular Science.
The tech is potentially just as good for machinekind as it is for humankind:
Imagine using a phone that is charged by contact with your hand, and the chip inside is cooled by the heat generated from the chip itself.
Now imagine that on a bigger scale, where you’re, say, stuck in a pod that generates electricity from contact with your skin, and it powers an army of robots. Fun and plausible, right?