Choosey moms choose Jif and four out of five dentists recommend choosing Trident gum, but why do so few people get to choose their internet service provider?
A 2020 study from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance determined that 83m+ Americans only have one choice when it comes to a high-speed internet provider, and it’s probably either Comcast’s Xfinity or Charter’s Spectrum.
It essentially comes down to the idea of a “natural monopoly,” according to CNET.
That means, unfortunately, companies can raise prices with impunity (sometimes by up to $50/month).
… this is largely a US problem.
The biggest American ISPs are so big that it drives up both their costs and the costs of smaller competitors who may have to piggyback on their infrastructure.
… like the fixed wireless internet networks offered by T-Mobile and Starlink, but they can have inconsistent speeds or even higher costs.
Of course, you could always just not have the internet — but is that any way to live?