Brief - The Hustle

Weird Week: Cicadas on the menu, finding the Rooftop Ninja, and more

Written by Singdhi Sokpo | May 10, 2024 12:00:00 AM
  • A woman known as “Rooftop Ninja” was found living inside a grocery store sign. Roofers working on a Michigan grocery store discovered an extension cord that led them to the dwelling, which was fully outfitted with flooring, a mini desk, a stocked pantry, and a houseplant. The 34-year-old reportedly has a car and a job (though not at the grocery store), and despite living there rent-free for a year, she won’t be facing criminal charges. So, if you’re struggling to find affordable housing, it might be time to get creative.
  • Thanks but no thanks: Cicadas are this summer’s buzzy new BBQ option. This year, when 1T+ cicadas emerge from their yearslong slumber, many will be springing out of the ground and onto plates at dinner parties and restaurants across the US. The noisy bugs, already consumed in countries like Thailand and Mexico, are showing up on menus from Chicago to New Orleans — as pralines, wrapped in bacon, deep-fried, you name it. Cicadas apparently have a nutty, shrimp-like quality and, like other insects, offer a sustainable source of protein.
  • That’s not a monster, silly — it’s just 50k bees. A North Carolina woman, who said her daughter had been watching Monsters, Inc., dismissed the 3-year-old’s concerns that there was a monster in her closet, only to find a massive hive of 50k+ bees living behind a bedroom wall. The bees were evicted, saved by a local beekeeper, but have left the family with $20k in home repairs. That’s gotta sting.