Stories - The Hustle

Trump's Brilliant but Evil Marketing Ploy That's Tricking Us All

Written by Sam Parr | Jun 30, 2020 7:06:28 AM

Watching the media try to stop Donald Trump is fascinating.

Twenty years from now, communications and journalism professors will study his presidential campaign as one of the most effective and incisive marketing ploys ever executed. The efficacy of his counter-attacks is off the charts.

“There was once a babbling bigot named Donald Trump,” they’ll say, “who nearly pulled off the greatest practical joke of all time: tricking the media into getting him elected President of the United States.”

Mainstream publications are walking right into his strategy. Trump is luring the New York Times, Washington Post, and the rest of the lot right into his trap.

And it works time and time again. How can they keep falling for this? How are they being out-foxed with such ease? This is child’s play for ole’ Trump.

Here’s how he does it:

Trump’s tactic is simple — he ambiguously attacks a public figure (or faceless enemy). He attacks them just enough to ruffle feathers, but not enough to be left holding a smoking gun.

Then, as he creates his fog of controversy, the media sweeps in with their attacks. Meanwhile, Trump patiently waits with a sly grin for two days and gives them time to go ballistic.

Next, he uses plausible deniability to dismiss their claims, finding just enough evidence to create a thread of credibility, and proof that he can win any yelling match.

His supporters go wild for it. They absolutely love it. They crave it, too. His quasi-supporters become enamored with his ability to stand up for himself. And it grooms a “tough guy” image so sorely lacking in the other GOP candidates. “Don’t tread on us, you PC sissy,” they say. It makes him seem like the victim to his supporters. The guy standing up to the mob. They love it.

It’s so effective.

I’ll show you an example.

Step 1: Attack a public figure

Trump’s two most recent attacks are when he mocked Serge Kovaleski, a New York Times reporter with a disability that causes his arm to not move, and when he claimed that Megyn Kelly, the female moderator of Fox News’ Republican debate, was asking tough questions because she was on her period.

Trump awkwardly moved his arm when imitating and attacking Kovaleski.

This is what Trump said when explaining that Megyn Kelley was attacking him during the debate.


Step 2: Let the media attack


Step 3: Deny and out-yell

After mocking the reporter, Trump not only refused to admit that he purposely made fun of the reporter, but he demanded an apology from the reporter for using a disability to hurt people.

And he dismissed the claim that he insulted Kelley by saying this:


Step 4: Let supporters make him the victim

Step 5: Repeat


Trump is a modern, oranger, Machiavelli. Now that you know his tactics, sit back, grab a tasty beverage and some popcorn, and watch it unfold.

Also, I must add that this theory was highly inspired by one of my buds on Facebook. He asked not to be named.