See how many sites share your activity with Facebook. Can you beat our high score?

We conducted an informal poll to find out which contributor racked up the most sites and apps to share their activity with Facebook.

Yesterday, Facebook released a long-awaited feature that lets you see exactly which websites are stalking you — even when you’re not on Facebook.

See how many sites share your activity with Facebook. Can you beat our high score?

The new “Off-Facebook Activity” tracker spits out a list of the apps and sites that share your activity with Camp Zuckerberg. The platform can see when you visit a website or open an app, or add an item to your shopping cart, just to name a few examples.

Go here and click on “Manage Your Off-Facebook Activity” to peer into your personal abyss.

If your total depresses you, play along with us: Gamify that sh*t.

We conducted an informal poll to find out which contributor to your favorite email racked up the most shameful score. Here’s the leaderboard:

  • Steph Smith: 1,236 apps and websites (“Omg I won/lost :disappointed:”)
  • Mark Dent: 1,170
  • Conor Grant: 1,017
  • Caroline Dohack: 860 (Including, um, “Gun Dog Supply.” No gun dog, she explained — “They just make sturdy collars.”)
  • Nick DeSantis: 566
  • Zachary Crockett: 514 (Highlight: bat-removal service at
  • Brad Wolverton: 180 (Apparently only tracked by media outlets and his climbing gym)

Can you beat our highest score? Tweet your number @TheHustle — and tell us the weirdest site that shared your info with Facebook. Or tell us on this Google form.

Oh, by the way: If your total really creeps you out, you can delete your history or disconnect yourself from future tracking.

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