People are turning to Google Docs for quaran-tainment

Google docs and PowerPoints can liven up your sad, self-isolated Saturday nights.

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It’s either a sign of the depths of our boredom, or the endless creativity of the human spirit: Google Docs have emerged as an unusual outlet for people to entertain themselves in isolation.

People are turning to Google Docs for quaran-tainment

Because nothing says excitement like word-processing software

People have used Google Docs (or, more specifically, Google Sheets) for all manner of charitable efforts.

They power “mutual aid” groups that run errands for vulnerable groups and distribute money to people in need.

But as Quartz discovered, Google Docs can be fun, too:

  • There’s a Google Doc escape room that sends players on a dark and dreamlike choose-your-own-adventure journey.
  • The comedian Marissa Goldman started a GOOGLE DOC PARTY, a comedy show that takes place in its own doc.
  • The Akron Art Museum compiles a weekly crossword puzzle using clues from fellow museums.

BYO slides to the PowerPoint party

A 6-pack of slide decks is another way to liven up your sad, self-isolated Saturday nights.

Ask your friends to prepare a short presentation on any topic of their choosing (the more obscure, the better). Get together on your favorite video conferencing platform. Presto, it’s a party in a Zoom meeting.

If you need a little inspiration, just check out some of the decks on Twitter:

  • “Which members of One Direction could I defeat in martial combat,” by Kendra, “sword owner and 1D scholar.”
  • “What is the ideal level of banana ripeness?” From responses to a prompt on a Hinge profile.
  • “Childhood characters that were definitely gay (but everyone was too homophobic to admit it.)”
  • 8 reasons why Cheesecake Factory is chaotic good. And why they must be stopped.”
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