AI lifeguards are your next summer dreamboats

Mmm, how he swivels.

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Photo: SIGHTBIT / Adam Bismut (YouTube)

AI lifeguards are your next summer dreamboats

Nothing says August like a hunky, sun-kissed lifeguard perched atop a high chair. 

But another seductive savior is hitting a beach near you: He’s toned, he’s flexible, and he looks a lot like a security camera. His name? Sightbit. 

Isn’t it sexy how he stores your data?

The Sightbit neural network doesn’t replace humans. It’s a smart system that learns which beach spots are the highest risk.

While the humans slather on sunscreen, Sightbit watches up to 1k feet of shore for signs of distress. 

If it catches a dangerous situation, it races to tell the humans. 

Think that’s steamy? 

Wait till you meet the other AI lifeguards strutting on the sand.

With full-body swivels, Sweden’s SwimEye and Israel’s Coral Detection Systems are sure to give swimmers hot flashes. 

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