Digits: Nomads are in love, and apparently it’s pumpkin spice season

Plus: The Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest makes bank and toy prices go up.

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Pumpkin spice really should be a year-round thing (Source: George Dolgikh / Getty Images)

Digits: Nomads are in love, and apparently it’s pumpkin spice season

1) Nomads are feeling the love. Between Feb. 1 and July 1, Tinder mentions of “nomad” increased by 23% in profiles, with “RV” and “van” seeing 8% upticks.

2) PSL season already? Morning Consult found 25% of US adults think late August is the perfect time to sell pumpkin spice products, up from 19% in 2020.

3) By law, the US government oversees the Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest to decide on the image for the stamp, which waterfowl hunters must purchase for hunting. Since 1934, the annual contest has generated $1.1B+ for conservation efforts.

4) The FCC issued a $5.1m+ fine against John Burkman and Jacob Wohl for making 1.1k+ robocalls spreading misinformation during the 2020 election.

5) Brace for impact (AKA upset children). Consumers should anticipate price increases of 5%-10% for toys this holiday season, according to industry experts.

6) Cazoo, Britain’s Carvana, raised $1B+ in a SPAC merger on a quest to grow throughout Europe. Serious question: Do they retrofit their car horns to sound like kazoos?

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