Photo: Mattel

It’s holiday shopping season, y’all. That means that you’re about to get bombarded with deals, steals, and discounted Hot Wheels.
But remember: Not all cash-burning is created equal. With that in mind, here are some of this week’s most innovative ways to burn paychecks:
- American Girl Doll studded with Swarovski crystals, $5k: Want to teach your little girl the importance of mortgage-busting jewels at a young age? Look no further than this gem, available in American Girl flagship stores in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago.
- Focus1 mind-reading headband, $450-$2k: Manufactured by US-based BrainCo, this hip headwear “enables schools to bring real-time engagement metrics as well as neurofeedback-based focus and relaxation training into… classrooms.” Umm… fun?
- Elysium Health Index “biological age” test, $500: The controversial makers of an anti-aging pill are back with a new product that tells customers their true “biological age” in an effort to help them reverse that pesky aging process. Best of luck!