Digits: bombers, boxes, bottles, and more

Plus: Bottles and soccer balls.

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1) The Pentagon showed off its new stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider, on Friday. The ~$753m plane can be flown without pilots, and the government hopes to order 100+, though just 21 have been built.

Digits: bombers, boxes, bottles, and more

2) The shipping container business brought in $58.9B in Q3 of 2022, up 22.4% YoY and 158% higher than the combined profits of Meta, Amazon, Netflix, and Google.

3) When the US played in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, US equity trading volume dropped 43%, per a study by European Central Bank economists. When Chile played, equity trading there dropped almost entirely.

4) On that note, were you even aware that the US is co-hosting the next World Cup? Some 65% of US adults say they’ve seen, read, or heard “nothing at all” about the US, Mexico, and Canada hosting in 2026.

5) Gosh, we really like our water in bottles. With Americans drinking 47 gallons of bottled water each in 2021, it’s a market expected to reach $39B in 2022.

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