Looking for a way to spend that Visa gift card you got from your Aunt Susan over the holiday?

Please, let us offer some inspiration on how to burn that plastic. Here’s a roundup of some of the weirdest ways we’ve seen people spend their cash lately:
- A night spent in a giant potato, $250. Who needs the Ritz when you and your loved ones can rest your weary heads in a 6-ton potato in Idaho?
- Gucci felt hat with visor, $690. Sure, you could spend $700 on groceries for a few months… OR you could spend it on this iconic piece of beige headwear that features a urine-colored visor that will scare away stray dogs and peasants alike.
- Functional lifestyle water, $350. If this “great tasting craft water” fits half as much flavor in its bottles as it does buzzwords in its product description, consider us customers for life (h/t VICE for spotting this gem).
- Flying ATV, $139k. Be honest: The last time you rode an ATV you probably thought “This is fun… but what if was FLYING?” Well, your dream has come true thanks to this “FAA-certified special light-sport aircraft fused within a rugged military-grade all-terrain vehicle that conquers sand, pavement, grass, and gravity.”