AMSilk wants to make breast implants safer using modified E. coli bacteria
German biotech company AMSilk has developed a protein-based liquid-silk coating for medical and cosmetic implants that scientists believe could help the human body adapt more safely to implant surgeries.

The company is known for developing synthetic polymers that mimic natural substances, and has worked with companies like Adidas to create a line of biodegradable shoes. Now, they’re looking to get into the medical industry.
Spinnin’ knowledge
Synthetic in nature, silicone is often rejected by the surrounding tissues of the human body, which can lead to irritation and infection.
In 2015, nearly 106k breast cancer patients had reconstruction (often with an implant). Of that number, 46% underwent re-operation within 3 years — and 25% of those with silicone had them removed altogether.
AMSilk’s product grows from genetically modified E. coli bacteria that becomes a silk-like protein after it’s fermented. Because the coating is a protein, the body recognizes it as a natural substance.
Time to partner up
According to Polytech Health & Aesthetics (the top manufacturer of silicone implants in the US), implants continue to be on the rise.
Starting this year, AMSilk is joining forces with the manufacturer to begin tests in Austria using their silk-coated implants, with the long-term goal of expanding beyond breast implants and distributing their product widely to their medical partners.