Old people are upping their marijuana consumption

Data from the past 30 years shows Americans age 50 and up are 20x more likely to use pot than older Americans were 30 years ago. What’s going on?

To a lot of us, the devil’s lettuce is synonymous with bed-headed, Birkenstock-wearing kids stinking of counterculture.

Old people are upping their marijuana consumption

But, according to new research, the rise in usage from the ’80s to now has been driven by… their grandparents.

Data from the past 30 years shows Americans age 50 and up are 20x more likely to use pot than older Americans were 30 years ago.

All signs point to baby boomers

Researchers concluded that the trend isn’t representative of all old people in general, but rather, a specific generation: baby boomers.

Much like how boomers participated in an unusually large amount of crimes in their youth and continue to do so in their older age, they’ve also carried along their love of getting blazed.

There could be other factors at play

Like, ya’ know, the fact that weed is legal in a bunch of states.

Or, according to Livescience, because the older crowd is taking advantage of its medicinal purposes to eaze the discomfort of age-related health problems like glaucoma and arthritis.

Hey, living through the ’60s ain’t easy on the knees, OK?

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