Gadgets actually working at a tech convention: a pretty obvious concept, and for the most part, accomplished at this year’s CES.

However, there were a few pret-ty high profile uh-oh’s that would have the father of keynotes himself rolling in his grave. Here are a few of the biggest disasters from CES:
LG’s new appliance voice assistant refused to work on stage
With every Tom, Dick, and Siri voice being added to new gadgets over the past five years, LG felt it was time to throw their hat in the smart appliance ring, adding their voice assistant CLOi, to their new appliances.
Unfortunately for them, CLOi didn’t come to play once she hit the stage, retreating in some kind of digital protest and leaving the presenter high and dry in a cold sweat.
Google shuts down their CES booth on account of rain
It was Google’s debut at CES this year, and clear from the get-go they wanted to blow minds. With ads on every train, subway, and urinal (probably), this tech behemoth was in it to win it.
That is until day one, when Google had to shut down their enormous, 2-level, gadget-filled booth and saran wrap it in virus-grade plastic wrap thanks to Vegas’ torrential downpour.
Day 2 of CES results in a massive power outage
To cap it all off, on day 2, nearly the entire Las Vegas convention center lost power. Poetry or hysterical irony? We’ll go with both.
For almost two hours, a large part of the convention center was powered down (reportedly due to rain again), leaving many CES-goers to capture on social media the haunting images of a bunch of tech nerds… all in one room… with no tech to… TECH.