Yesterday, Chipotle announced their founder, Steve Ells, will finally step down as CEO… just as soon as they find his replacement.

Over the past few years, a rash of E. Coli and other “foodborne illness” outbreaks have run rampant on Chipotle’s customers, forcing the chain to temporarily close their 2k locations on more than one occasion.
Poor Chipolté
The self-proclaimed “food with integrity” chain has fought tooth and nail to redeem itself — from the ill-fated queso spectacle to their ever-ironic new ads consisting of comedians reacting to Jeffrey Tambor as he tells them everything inside of a Chipotle burrito “is real.”
And with the most recent norovirus outbreak earlier this year, Chipotle is desperate for a new chief to pull the fast-casual restaurant chain out of its poisonous 2-year nightmare.
It’s not looking good
Patrick Quade, the founder of the hilariously named self-reporting illness website, IWasPoisoned, claims the rate of self-reported illnesses at Chipotle is 9 times higher than any other restaurant chain written about on the site.
“Our data indicates we should expect to see another outbreak attributed to Chipotle sometime in the next six to 12 months,” he said.