The Chive launches its own ‘ambient’ TV platform

The Chive is the latest digital media company to unveil its silver bullet to beat ad-saturation — a new TV platform called “Atmosphere,” dedicated to “ambient” video content.

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The Chive is the latest digital media company to unveil its silver bullet to beat ad-saturation: A new ad platform.

The Chive launches its own ‘ambient’ TV platform

This week, the company debuted “Atmosphere,” a TV channel dedicated to “ambient” video content — visual white noise you can tune in and out to that doesn’t require audio to enjoy.

What started two years ago with a single channel designed for bar TVs and cruise ships is now a full-fledged venture expected to bring in $10m in revenue next year through ads and business subscriptions.

There are 2 kinds of TV in this world:

TV you “tune in to” (prime-time shows and Netflix originals), and TV you “tune out to” (channels like HGTV or ESPN. You know, the kind of shows you put on for your dog when you leave the house.

Atmosphere takes this kind of content to a whole new level, sandwiching ads between syndicated videos from social platforms and other ambient publishers like Cheddar and Fatherly — all of which will be muted by default (no closed captioning necessary).

Independent studies commissioned by The Chive have shown that patrons stay 16% longer in bars that air its content, so it won’t pay for bars to air its channels. And for a $37/month subscription, businesses will be able to insert their own promotions.

It’s very on-brand

Let’s be honest, The Chive’s content has always been more “visual” in nature (e.g., semi-nude women).

Now, it’s getting a family-friendly revamp, with channels featuring sweeping nature footage, workout videos, and “feel-good viral video content.”

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