Colombia’s 12-ton coke bust is just a drop in the dime-bag

On Wednesday, Colombian officials had seized 12 TONS of cocaine (over 13 million gram-bags) -- the biggest nose beer bust in the country’s history.

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On Wednesday, Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos reported that officials had seized 12 TONS of cocaine (over 13 million gram-bags) — the biggest nose beer bust in the country’s history.

Colombia’s 12-ton coke bust is just a drop in the dime-bag

The drugs were dug up from under 4 farms in a region once ruled by Pablo Escobar and the Medellin cartel, now run by a drug lord known as “Otoniel”  who heads up Columbia’s most powerful drug running operation, the Gulf Clan.

So far, Police have confiscated 362 tons of white lightning this year, up from 317 tons last year.

That’s a veritable bunny slope of Colombian snow…

But there’s more fresh pow on the slopes than ever. Colombia’s production is the highest it’s been in 20 years, making it the world’s largest coke producer as of March.

And, the US State Department estimates the country has the capacity to produce as much as 495 tons of coke, which means there are still 178m tons of stardust unaccounted for — not to mention the 900+ tons of Colombian Christmas gracing coffee tables across the globe.

In other words, this police photo-op is mostly show… and the world’s still full of blow.

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