Everyone’s favorite platform to vent about their company, Glassdoor, announced yesterday that Japanese HR company Recruit Holdings will purchase them for $1.2B.

That makes it one of the largest tech acquisitions of 2018. Recode reports that Glassdoor was entertaining the idea of an IPO later this year (their last funding was 2 years ago at a $860m valuation), but instead opted for a sale to get the cash they need to grow.
Recruit hopes to use Glassdoor to expand stateside and bridge the gap between employers and job seekers…
Because free lunch does not a fulfilling career make
Gallup reports that in 2015 and 2016 only 16% of workers felt engaged at their job, and only 7% found their work meaningful and fulfilling.
That means 9 out of 10 employees are sitting at their desk prisons scratching the days on their cubicle walls.
And, for every disgruntled employee…
There’s a Glassdoor review just waiting to be penned (the site now contains about 40m reviews of over 770k companies).
With 3.3B adults currently looking for a job, Glassdoor wants to be a window to a company’s soul… or soullessness, rather.