Lawmakers in Congress have introduced tech legislation that would give victims of a cyber attack the chance to track and hack their suspected hack-attacker.

An existing US law prohibits this kind of pursuit, which is known as “hacking back.”
The proposal is Back in Black
The Active Cyber Defense Certainty Act, AKA ACDC babayyyy, has been proposed time and time again throughout the years (most recently in 2017), obviously to great debate.
The bill aims to let victims hunt down attackers by hacking different organization systems that they suspect the hackers used to launch the offensive.
Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap
As of now only the FBI and a few other government agencies have the jurisdiction to hunt down suspected hackers.
But right now, supporters of the bill say, the feds are pooped dealing with an endless number of cyber attacks — like the ransomware that has shocked computer systems in cities like Atlanta and Baltimore — and they need help.
Critics are wary the proposition is a Highway to Hell
According to the MIT technology review, this decision is a very BAD idea. Cuz, ya know, vigilante justice doesn’t usually work out the way it does in the movies.
And plus, who at Walmart has the experience to run with the big hack-dawgs?