Mickey D’s is the latest company to hop on the branded podcast bandwagon

McDonald’s was the most recent of several companies to release a branded podcast -- and it’s doing surprisingly well.

In 2017, McDonald’s underestimated demand for a re-release of its teriyaki-tinged Szechuan Sauce. Then, as diners fought to get their paws on those precious packets, chaos followed: a Change.org petition calling for the condiment’s return garnered more than 45k supporters.

Mickey D’s is the latest company to hop on the branded podcast bandwagon

Then, Mickey D’s did them one better. In addition to whipping up more dip, it launched “The Sauce,” a 3-episode podcast “investigating” what went wrong. 

It was hardly an exposé, but the “Serial”-inspired series was a hit… and McDonald’s isn’t the only brand to start streaming.

Brands are getting on the mic … and reaping the rewards

Consumers who seem unwilling to watch YouTube ads seem to have no problem tuning in to branded podcasts. 

Even in a competitive space — estimates show there are about 750k podcasts — “The Sauce” peaked at #94 on iTunes’ top-100 chart. 

Another branded success, “Inside Trader Joe’s,” hit #5 on the same chart… and you can bet your Two-Buck Chuck there were some product placements.

But storytelling is what matters

Media critics worry brand-sponsored podcasts blur the line between advertising and entertainment, with some going so far as to denounce them as propaganda. 

But others point out that something sounding like a commercial is going to be a turnoff, and listeners will tune out and move on.

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