3D body-scanning startup Naked Labs raised a $14m Series A headlined by Founders Fund.
Naked has also begun shipping its first product, a $1,395 smart mirror that uses biometric scanning technology to make a silver avatar that tells you how long it will take to lose weight.
“Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fittest of them all?”
Using a rotating scale, the Naked 3D Fitness Tracker’s scanning mirror captures 4m infrared data points. Then, its app provides visualizations of your current and goal body, allowing users to set weight loss, ‘recomposition,’ and performance targets.
After completing the 15-second scan, Naked tells you your body fat, muscle mass, and measurements — and then offers remote training plans, nutrition advice, and personalized coaching.
Your avatar is focused on fitness for now…
But wouldn’t it look good in a pair of [insert trendy e-commerce brand here] jeans?
Naked is starting by tapping into the lucrative personal fitness market — but they’re also already talking with e-commerce partners who are excited to use your Naked scans to get you in their pants.
Meanwhile, Amazon already acquired a 3D body scanning startup called Body Labs in 2017 and has been testing “commercial applications” such as custom-fit clothes.
Naturally, many consumers are concerned about their 3D, digitized nudes ending up in Jeff Bezos’ hands. Representative from Naked have dismissed concerns, claiming that users’ nudes Naked data is secure.