Nipping dolphins, soda stunts, and truly everyone has a podcast now

  • In a reversal of roles, the NSA wants you to do the listening. Everyone and their mother has a podcast nowadays, including the National Security Agency, which debuted the first two episodes of its new show, No Such Podcast, yesterday. The name is a play on the agency’s nickname, No Such Agency, derived from back when its existence was still a secret. While you shouldn’t expect any Snowden-level bombshells, the show features declassified stories from agency experts, which, according to the pod’s description, “just might surprise you!” 
  • Mountain Dew will pay you to move to the Rockies, where it’s always “Mountain” time. Mountain Dew is offering to reimburse up to $10k in relocation costs to five people willing to move anywhere within the Mountain time zone — its unofficial new time zone — plus a one-year supply of its signature product and a “welcome package” of outdoor gear. If that doesn’t entice you, the brand is also offering a lower-commitment promotion of a free 20-ounce soda to anyone who visits the region through the end of the year (which you can register for here).
  • A lonely dolphin who keeps biting people in Japan might just be looking for friends. Since 2022, several swimmers, including 18 this year, have reported experiencing dolphin attacks around Japan’s Wakasa Bay. But, based on tail fin scarring, experts believe the perp is a single male bottlenose dolphin who’s been separated from his pod, and that the so-called “attacks” — gentle biting for dolphin standards, according to marine biologists, who say the highly social animals are very physically expressive — might just be his playful attempts at finding a new friend.
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