Wireless data’s way up, a cartoon dog, and more newsy numbers

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100T+ megabytes: Wireless data Americans consumed in 2023, up 26T megabytes from 2022. Much of this was driven not by the average American screwing around on their phone but advancements in technology including drones, autonomous cars, and space missions. The US is currently looking for new spectrum — the range of radio frequencies that wireless signals travel over — to meet demand.

A screenshot from the TV show “Bluey.”

35B minutes: How much time Americans have spent watching “Bluey” in 2024, making the Australian animated series the most-watched show in the US, not just among children’s shows but all programming. In 2023, “Bluey” was second only to “Suits,” the 2011-19 legal drama that racked up 57.7B minutes viewed that year thanks to its debut on streaming services Netflix and Peacock.

22.6%: Share of the United States’ high-tech jobs held by women, which hasn’t significantly increased in 20 years, despite women accounting for 47.3% of the nation’s total workforce, per a new report. The same stagnant findings apply to Black workers, who represent 7.4% of the high-tech workforce, and Hispanic workers (9.9%). Experts say that having leaders who are women and people of color can help encourage more inclusivity, but that women who find they’ll be the first or only woman at a startup may be disinclined to pursue the job.

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