It may be a holiday here in the States, but the news never sleeps. Here’s your 3-day weekend update:

Qualcomm thinks they deserve more
On Friday, the chipmaker rejected Broadcom’s monstrous offer to buy them for $121B, claiming the deal “materially undervalues” the company and is not in the best interest of their stockholders.
Qualcomm maintains that they are still interested in discussing a buyout with Broadcom as long as the deal “reflects the true value” of the company. Because they’re worth it.
A bump the size of an Apple
The futuristic Apple Park campus is cool and all, but they have one problem: people keep running into their new, pristine glass doors.
According to sources, the glass is so clean multiple employees have been treated for minor injuries for smudgin’ it up with their faces since the park opened.
Employees reportedly tried using Post-its to mark the walls, but the sticky notes were removed for minimizing the integrity of the building’s design.
Massive Swiss drug maker just got healthier
Roche is finishing the job and buying out the rest of Flatiron Health for $1.9B, making their total investment in the company close to $2.1B (they owned 13% of the biotech company before the deal).
Roche also led Flatiron’s last round of funding, valuing the company at $1.1B, with Roche’s cancer drugs making up more than 60% of its pharmaceutical sales.
This week in “millennials kill…” Diet Coke
Diet soda sales are still on the decline (dropping 34% since ‘05) thanks to young, health-conscious shoppers, and Coca-Cola’s not pleased about it.
According to their CEO, this year they’re revamping Diet Coke with tall, slim cans, flavors like “Fiesty Cherry,” and meme marketing. And if that doesn’t do it, our office Diet Coke consumption will probably make up the difference.
“KAKAO!” is the new “POW!”
Korea’s top messaging company Kakao just raised $130m from Chinese gaming giant Tencent en route to an IPO.
If you’re not familiar, Kakao ain’t just your average, everyday messaging company. They also operate a taxi business (which raised $437m from outside investors last year), delivery service, and payments platform. Now, they’re taking their games (and potentially their anime) unit public.