The world’s first hit reality show, “The Real World,” is coming to Facebook Watch in Spring 2019 — but Zuck “stopped being polite” a long time ago.

26 years after its cable debut, the show is breaking boundaries once again with an interactive aspect that allows fans to vote on the final cast member through Facebook Watch Party’s synchronized viewing and chat platform.
7 strangers picked to live on a platform
The Real World is Facebook’s first big tent-pole for Watch after its debut in August 2017, and it’s coming just as the platform picks up steam.
50m people now spend at least 1 minute per month on Watch, with total view time up 14x since the beginning of 2018.
Now, the big book of faces is hoping to beat out premium competitors like YouTube Originals and Snapchat Discover in the battle for mid-length social video supremacy.
But, will anyone care?
So far… not really. There’s just too much content to compete with, and it’s only getting worse.
Last week, Snapchat announced 12 original shows, and that’s not to mention the rate at which platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime sling new hot ‘tent (Netflix is also working on interactive content).
Plus, The Wall Street Journal reports that Facebook underreported just how bad its video ad view time metrics were inflated after catching a bug a few years back and now, studios may be skeptical that it’s a worthy investment.
That said, “The Real World” is awesome and gross and impossible to look away from — and it could be just what Facebook Watch needs.