The 20 Best Silicon Valley Inspired Halloween Costumes From 2015

We spotted a lot of Silicon Valley inspired geeky outfits this year, and figured we should share the love.

Halloween might be over, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the ridiculous costumes for another month. We spotted a lot of Silicon Valley inspired geeky costumes this year, and figured we should share the love. Inspiration in whatever shape or form, right?

The 20 Best Silicon Valley Inspired Halloween Costumes From 2015

1. The “tech unicorn”

Unicorns are a big buzzword in the tech world right now, so it’s only right that costumes poke have some fun at the expense of all the ridiculous investments. Plus, this doubles as great Netflix wear.

2. Steve Jobs

Think of this as commemorative, and “not too soon.”

3. The Pizza Rat

If you missed out on this recent New York meme, clearly you spend NO time on the internet and this article makes no sense to you.

4. Google Maps

Look, Apple Maps will never be a costume. FACT.

5. Edward Snowden

This dude’s a baller, in every sense of the word. We salute you!


Fluffy and full of data. We like.

7. iPhone apps

Good friends download apps together.

8. “404 Page Not Found”

Misery loves company, and errors crash the internet.

9.Lyft and Uber

Couples who rideshare separately, stay together. Or something.

10. Netflix and Chill

This makes me so happy.

11. The dress

Black and blue? White and gold? This meme’s a year old, but it has staying power.

12. 2015 scandals

Because the internet never forgets.

13. Grumpy Cat

He won’t tell if you don’t smile.

14. Mario Brothers and Princess Peach

Classic nerds will never go out of style.

15. Firefox

Chrome might win the browser battle, but the Firefox costumes wins the cute as f**k stakes.

16. A pixelated image

Is this what the web looks like when the adult filters are turned on?

17. Emoji dancing girls


18.Candy Crush Saga

This seems like a stretch, but hey, boobs!

19. Emoji tango dancer

Proving that if you put “emoji” in front of anything it becomes popular.

20. Star Wars everything

“Paciência você deve ter meu jovem Padawan.” -Yoda #StarWars #theforceawakens #feiradolivro

A photo posted by @andrey_zarpelon on

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