As WeWork attempts to expand into every aspect of young professionals’ lives, they’re now determined to begin their takeover of an even younger crowd: elementary schoolers.

The company’s education spinoff, “WeGrow,” will launch its first school in New York City in fall of 2018 for kids ages 5-8. And surprise, it all stems from Chief Brand Officer, Rebekah Neumann and her husband, CEO Adam Neumann’s frustration with the lack of school options for their kids.
As she puts it, “These children come into the world, they are very evolved, they are very special. They’re spiritual. They’re all natural entrepreneurs, natural humanitarians…”
Yes, letting glue dry on your hands and peeling it off is very spiritual
“In my book, there’s no reason why children in elementary schools can’t be launching their own businesses,” Neumann said out loud to the press with a straight face. Not a single. Reason.
The pilot class is already going down at WeWork’s HQ in Manhattan, where kids will get a traditional education, interspersed with guest lessons from WeWork employees and renters of the space.
Because there’s nothing like a 25-year-old trying to launch a dog walking app while microdosing ayahuasca to teach kids about the pitfalls of venture capital.
Also built into the curriculum are weekly visits to a local farm, where kids will learn math, science, and business acumen by running their own farm stand — ya’ know, it’s the old cliche where every kid dreams of becoming either a firefighter, a police officer, or an entrepreneur/farmer.