Yoshi, a startup that fills your car up with gas on-demand, is expanding to help consumers across the nation with additional tuneup services like oil changes, tire checks, car washings — and a gas-guzzling AI bot named Rachel.

As gas station locations across the country diminish and consumers are more willing to pay for convenience, Yoshi is filling up one of the highly coveted empty spots in the convenience economy.
Ain’t nobody got time to pump gas
When you’ve got on-demand startups to walk your dog, clean your room, buy your groceries, cook your dinner, and do your laundry, getting gas starts to look like a real chore.
That’s where Yoshi comes in. For a $20 monthly fee (plus the cost of gas) the car maintenance startup will refill your car with your favorite fossil fuel — saving you 33 hours a year, according to the company’s website.
The time is right to gas up the masses
The number of retail fueling sites decreased 25% between 1994 and 2015 (according to the authoritative National Association of Convenience Stores), making the gas tank filling market particularly ripe for disruption.
Since it was founded in 2015, Yoshi has raised $15.8m and partnered with ExxonMobil, General Motors, and Firestone to offer garage services, and plans to keep putting the pedal to the metal.