Hustle Con is a badass conference where the best non-technical founders (like Arram here) teach how they got started and give practical advice on growing your startup. This is the first in a weekly series of stories where we profile top, successful, hustlers. Check it out →
It’s amazing how often soon-to-be founders become overwhelmed and try to focus on everything at once.Arram Sabeti, the founder of the 80+ person catering startup ZeroCater, is the perfect example of an early stage founder who focused like a mofo.
The first version of ZeroCater was a tiny spreadsheet that tracked his customer’s deliveries and meal preferences. It was dead simple, but it worked.
At Hustle Con, Arram will explain how to make decisions when you have too many choices. In the meantime, check this infographic explaining how he did it.
If you wanna come to Hustle Con and meet Arram, click here to get your ticket.
And if you can’t make it, that’s cool too. We’re giving away the Hustle Con videos for free a few weeks after the event. So if you’re a strapped-for-cash founder, save your money and grow your business. Hopefully you can make it out next year.
Did you dig this? Enter your email and we’ll send you more infographics just like this one, once a week. And if you really loved it, then come to Hustle Con on April 24th in San Francisco.