Trends member Neer Sharma has been rounding up the best corporate patents every week for his must-read newsletter Patent Drop.

Impressively, one of his newsletters highlighted Amazon’s palm reader before it was announced.
We highlighted some of his best “drops” a month ago. Back by popular demand, here’s Round 2:
Apple: Keyboards for AR/VR headsets
Apple is creating a way for AR (or VR) users to project a keyboard that they can “see” and use on any surface.
Interestingly, the text from typing doesn’t appear on a screen, but can be viewed right on top of the keyboard. You can finally write passive-aggressive emails from anywhere (well, I guess you already can)!

Amazon: Visual search feature
The ecommerce giant is looking at how to improve visual search by allowing users to customize the exact look of the product they are interested in.In this patent filing, a customer interested in female shoes can pick exactly what they are looking for (e.g., strap or no strap, heel height) and then run a visual search for it.

NVIDIA: Creating bots for gamers
Sharma shared this one exclusively with readers of The Hustle.
The chip making giant started out making graphic chips for the gaming industry. Now, it wants to create bot versions of popular players that other gamers can practice against.
Say you want to play against gaming legend Ninja in a game, but he’s unavailable. A bot can learn Ninja’s style by analyzing all his games and create a bot for you to play against.