Maybe it is better down where it’s wetter

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Big Tech generally agrees that the moon is where the future’s at.

Several underwater housing pods.

NASA has plans to return, a moon GPS is in the works, there’s money in moon mining, and environmentalists are even concerned about keeping the moon pristine.

But what if we’re aiming too high?

Deep, a company backed by a “mysterious millionaire,” is developing underwater homes called “sentinels,” per The Guardian.

  • Designed to sit 200 meters underwater, the sentinels would allow people to live in the ocean with “where the sunlight zone ends and the twilight zone of the ocean begins.”
  • They have six bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom with running water, and a recreation area.
  • Deep wants to eventually establish permanent underwater settlements.
  • The company is conducting trials in a deep lake, so this future might not be too far off.

Human bodies may be able to adapt to living in a submersible over time, though the longest anyone’s remained continuously underwater is 100 days, per PopScience.

But that might be the least of anyone’s concerns: A 2003 study points out that “the stresses of a cramped environment could take a toll on residents’ mental health.”

So why do it?

It’s vaguely more practical than living on Mars or the moon, if only because there are no rockets involved.

There are sharks underwater, sure, but we don’t know everything in space. There could be sharks up there, too.

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